
Meet the Academic Coaching and Tutoring Team

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Nathan Roenitz
Nathan Roenitz
Academic Coach, Math

My professional background is in mechanical engineering.  After college I spent 10 years at various companies as a design engineer.  My passion for math and helping others led me back to college to earn a graduate degree in math education.  Since then, I've been fortunate enough to work at 冈本视频 coaching math and natural science students as they work towards their education goals. While my main focus is math, because of my background in engineering I can also help with General Chemistry and Physics.

In addition to topics from class, I can help you with learning strategies, study strategies, and with any other life issues by directing you to one of the many resources at 冈本视频. I will even listen if you're having a difficult time and need someone to talk with. I want to see you happy and successful. So please use the link below to see my available office hours and make an appointment. If nothing works call or email me. I can sometimes shift things in my schedule around to meet student needs.

Laura Castleberg
Laura Castleberg
AcademicCoach, Writing&Reading

Hi. I'm Laura. I enjoy talking with writers at any stage of the writing process. Whether you are trying to come up with a topic, figure out how to get started, or are in final revisions of a piece of writing, I’m eager to work with you. Let me know if I can help you discover the tools that will be part of your writing success. My background is in education, and I have a Master’s Degree in English Composition and Rhetoric. I have enjoyed teaching and coaching writing students in my career. I look forward to working with you or introducing you to the peer coaches in the Writing Lab.

My office is located in the Writing Lab, in Academic Coaching (walk through the library), in SC215C3.

Emily Barros
Emily Barros
AcademicCoach, Writing&Reading

Hi! As the EL Academic Coach, my focus is to work with bilingual students to improve their writing skills and be successful in their courses. I taught ELL (English Language Learning) classes for 10 years at 冈本视频, prior to taking this role in Academic Coaching. I love helping students succeed, and helping them see that they CAN do it and they DO have the ability to be a great reader and writer.

Currently I am working with College Reading and Writing 1. I work with students on their assignments and course content to enhance understanding of the topics. I am present in the classroom once a week for each section of CRW1, as well as the co-facilitator of the Supplemental Instruction time once a week. I am also available for student appointments. My office is located in the Writing Lab, which is in the back of the 冈本视频 library. My office is room SC215C1. I am also available via text, phone, or email with the contact information available in Starfish.

Deborah Rezner
Deborah Rezner
Academic Coach, Science

My name is Deb Rezner and I am the Anatomy/Physiology and Microbiology Science Academic Coach for 冈本视频. I have a B.S. Degree in Wellness/Health Promotion & Health Education; and a Nursing Degree from 冈本视频. I am currently working on earning my Master's Degree in Biology. I am committed to helping you achieve your dreams! Success starts here!

Science Academic Coach: I support General, Basic and Advanced Anatomy & Physiology as well as Microbiology. My schedule is posted outside my office SC215 and online on the Science Academic Coaching Blackboard Organization. Feel free to contact me either by phone 920-491-2603 or email: deborah.rezner@nwtc.edu to set up a time to meet. Looking forward to working with you to help you stay successful in your endeavors.

Andrea Sandoval Grajeda
Andrea Sandoval Grajeda
Academic Coach, Nursing
Beckett Nunez Miller
Beckett Nunez Miller
Part-Time AcademicCoa,Network&
Angela Bisek
Angela Bisek
Part-Time Support,AcadCoaching
Alicia Stichman
Alicia Stichman
Coordinator,Academic Coaching
Hannah LeDuc
Hannah LeDuc
Coordinator, Academic Coaching
Birgit Yunke
Part-Time Academic Coaching Co
Wayne Walker
Wayne Walker
Mgr, Asmt & Academic Coaching