冈本视频 has developed a strong partnership with
Dr. Niamh Hamill, the Director of Ireland, over the past 5 years. She began developing study abroad trips for U.S. students in 1996, and her organization now partners with over 200 Community Colleges in the United States because their focus is on 2-year college students and faculty as they strive to reach those traditionally underserved in global education.
During Covid, Niamh researched ways of teaching cultural competency that did not require a travel component and developed two new digital programs: ‘Global Perspectives through the Narratives of Ireland’ and ‘Imperfect Parallels: the Civil Rights movement in the United States, and in Ireland’. A third course specifically for nursing and healthcare students is currently in development.
Come hear from Niamh as well as 冈本视频 faculty, staff and students who have been involved in this transformational experience whether virtual or traditional physical travel!
Students engaging in cultural programming opportunities offered by Student Involvement will be able to:
- Reflect critically on their own cultural identity and background, connecting personal history to larger social and historical forces.
- Demonstrate intercultural understanding of artistic works or performances through an ability to analyze and appreciate works from distinctly different cultures and traditions.
Event date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Event time: 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Event location:
Sponsored by Student Involvement
Event funded by Student Activity Fees